Full Moon Cacao Ceremony  23 May 2024 7pm -830pm
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Cacao circle are becoming more popular, because they are spaces for people to connect with each other in new ways, and they are an opportunity to reconnect with ancient parts of ourselves that remember the simple power of gathering together in community.

Full moon and new moon are celebrated since thousands of years in ancient cultures for their magic, mystery and special energy.

It represents a time to gather with community

Full moon are great gateways to create change in our life. It is a perfect time to let go of the things that are holding you back from living your best life and reaching your fullest potential.

New Moons are the best time to start something new, get clear on the future and bring fresh energy into our life. Set your intentions and journal them down

Heart Healing with Ceremonial Cacao

Cacao is becoming more popular, because they are spaces for people to connect with each other in new ways, and they are an opportunity to reconnect with ancient parts of ourselves that remember the simple power of gathering together in community.

Expand the heart, connect with spirit, align your clarity and knowing.

We gather in a circle where we drink Cacao, this heart-expanding elixir, known as ‘Food of the Gods’. A magical session includes guided visualization, a sound bath, intention setting/releasing and a medicine drum journey.

Cacao is far more than processed chocolate confectionery, it is a superfood and plant medicine. Blood flow increases to the brain and body by up to 40%.

For those who are interested in heart expansion, Cacao is a subtle yet powerful heart-opening medicine. These works can strengthen intuition, boost creativity and clarity, and expand your awareness of new possibilities and perspectives.

Welcome to join us for heart healing with ceremonial Cacao if you would like to work on a deeper connection with yourself. In the Cacao Circle, we will dive deep into our divine and allow love to flow through you.


Cacao is made from the edible seed of the Theobroma Cacao tree. These seeds, or “beans,” as they are commonly referred to, are the primary ingredient in chocolate and the only ingredient in our 100% Pure Ceremonial Grade Cacao. The beans are harvested from multi-colored pods that grow on cacao trees. 


Not exactly, cacao used in a cacao ceremony is different from regular chocolate we eat. Unlike what you might expect, it doesn’t taste anything like hot chocolate, so it might shock you when you first try it. It is a natural plant medicine and the cacao beans are what goes into the chocolate we are familiar with – but usually only 20-30%. Ritual cacao is made from ground cacao beans, water, cacao butter, and a tiny bit of honey all mixed into a liquid, actually very bitter but naturally high in iron, magnesium, and B-complex vitamins.

Venue: 7500 A Beach Road, The Plaza #10-324, Singapore 199591

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